Why It’s Important to Know Your Hair Type

3A, 4b, 4C….If you’re new to the natural hair community, you’ve probably heard these number-letter combinations being thrown from left to right and like it was for me, at the beginning of your hair journey this can be rather confusing. You’re probably wondering what’s the point? Well, when you know what type of curls you have, you will have a better understanding of your hair’s nature. Is it course, dry, frizzy?

Knowing the type of hair you have will also help you select the proper products for your curls. For example, Type 4 curls, which is the category that most black women typically fall under, tends to be extremely dry, coarse and kinky. It usually has a tight, coily, zig-zag pattern and is very fragile. This hair type requires added moisture DAILY.

After looking at this chart and evaluating my hair, I learned that I have a mix of Type 3 and Type 4 hair. Specifically, 3C and 4A curls. Take a look at the chart below to find out your hair type!